Love Your Lungs

Your lungs are the largest organ in your body. Most of us are not using them to their fullest capacity and it is causing us to not live our best life. Most of us breathe shallowly from our diaphram, so we are not oxygenating our blood fully. We need 21% oxygen in our blood. Most of us only get  11-15% because we are not breathing from our belly. When we breathe from our belly, we bring the oxygen all the way into our body and up through our body to our brain. Since our brain is the circuit and control of our body/mind connection, it makes sense to love our lungs and learn to breathe more fully throughout our entire being/body. As a breath coach, I help my clients connect with their breath fully so their mind, body, brain experiences more balance. When we become more aware of and more in control of our breath, our life's energy flows more freely so we trust ourselves and our bodies to tell us exactly what we need.

Tip: To learn to breathe more fully, lay down place something you love on your belly and breathe so that object moves up on the "in breath" and down on the "out breath". Try that for 5 breaths. When you have that mastered, find two things you love put one on your belly and one on your chest. Breathe into your belly and then up to your heart space. Try that for 5 breaths. To love your lungs, your body and mind, breath into the belly the heart and then all the way to your brain. Let your breath release fully.